Monday, December 9, 2013

Alone with the Internet

Today I worked from home and it was a pretty busy day. First off, I checked out Tiny Barbarian DX, watched a few videos, tried to find out when it's coming to the OUYA and then finally decided its far too awesome and I must have it now. So I bought it on Steam - and found it to be awesome.

I also popped onto twitter and found an announcement for not only this : 

but also Telltale has a Game of Thrones game in store. Oh my good news indeed - unless you're my wife, who doesn't care about anything but another chapter of "The Wolf Among Us" and constantly bugs me about it as if I can speed things up somehow.

I was also blown away by the "No Man's Sky" trailer I saw today....

Now you are too right?

"Ustwo" has put out a trailer for their upcoming iPad game : "Monument Valley" which looks every bit as good as the screenshots they previously put out implied. 

Plus all the other little indie games things I read about today, and saved bookmarks to play - Hotline Trail on Gamejolt - reading about the NESJAM .... 

All in all a busy day in gaming & news today.